Word For Mac 2008 Hw To Delete Header And Footer


I am creating a Word doc from within VB.Net (2010). What I need is a header with an image and text on the first page and a different header with just text on all the subsequent pages. There will also be a footer that is the same for all pages. My current code is this: With oDoc.Sections(1. Hi Clif001, Please set oDoc.Sections(1. Not to mention more professional— and if you have Word 2008 for Mac, creating those headers and footers is a cinch. The Microsoft Office for Mac team shows you just how to create headers and footers for documents in this how-to video.

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I can also see a space for a header and footer when I go to view header and footer. I can also see a paragraph mark a the bottom of the second page, but I can't delete that either. I think I just got it. I noticed that I could see the sliders on the side to adjust the margins for top and bottom, but only for the second page. I moved the slider up and the second page disappeared. I doubt it has anything to do with Headers or Footers:-) Since you mention the term ' invoice' I'm betting you may have a Table extending to the end of page 1. In a Word document a Table is always followed by a paragraph & it's that paragraph which is requiring the space.

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There is a table, but it does not extend to the bottom of the page. Non-printing characters are turned on and I can see a paragraph mark centered at the top of the second page, but I cannot delete it.


Usually, this is going to be a page break, so that’s what we’re using here. Now, double-click the header or footer area on the page after the break you inserted.

And just like that, your header or footer is reconnected to the previous section. Just remember that you’ll have to link or unlink both the header and footer as separate actions.

Someone once suggested that I record a macro in Word while I did what I needed to do (in this case add headers), but Word just adds code that inserts a template. So, how do I do what I need to do? TIA Clif (Your company name here). ODoc.Sections(1).PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = True With oDoc.Sections(1).Headers(Word.WdHeaderFooterIndex.wdHeaderFooterFirstPage).Range.InlineShapes.AddPicture(sLogoFilePathName).Text = 'My Company, Inc., 123 Main St. Anytown, CA 99999, Ph. Free online video editing tool for mac. 415.555.1234, Fax 415.555.4321'.ParagraphFormat.Alignment = Word.WdParagraphAlignment.wdAlignParagraphLeft.InlineShapes.AddHorizontalLineStandard() End With If you have any concerns, please feel free to follow up.

Note that the button becomes de-selected. You’ve now broken the link to the previous sections header or footer. Note: If you need to delete both a header and footer from a section, you’ll need to delete the text and break the links to the previous section for each individually. Next, go ahead and delete the text from your header or footer. You’re not quite done yet, though.

This entry was posted on 12.01.2019.